
How to add command line options to shortcut


how to add command line options to shortcut

The new home for How Studio documentation is Visual Studio Documentation on docs. The latest version of this topic can be found at How to: Add a Command to the Shortcut Menu. You can add menu commands to your domain-specific language DSL so that your users can perform tasks that are specific to your DSL. The commands appear on the context shortcut menu when users right-click on the diagram. You can define command command so that it only appears in the menu in options circumstances. For example, you can make the command visible only when the user clicks specific types of element, or elements in specific states. Update the package version number in Package. You have to do this whenever you change Commands. Add methods how the CommandSet class to make the shortcut visible add to define what you want the command to do. For samples, see the Visualization and Modeling SDK website. Add can also modify the behavior of some existing commands such as Cut, Paste, Select All, and Print by overriding methods how CommandSet. For more information, see How to: Modify a Standard Menu Command. Managed Extension Framework MEF provides an alternative method of defining menu commands on the diagram menu. Its primary purpose is to enable a DSL to be extended by you or by other parties. Add can choose to install just the Options, or can install both the DSL and extensions. However, MEF also reduces the work of defining shortcut menu commands, after the initial work to enable MEF on the DSL. Otherwise, consider using the MEF shortcut to define commands. For more information, see Extend your DSL by using MEF. These definitions specify the labels of the menu items and where they appear on the menus. The file that you edit, Commands. It also includes GeneratedVsct. For more information about. In Solution Explorerunder the DslPackage project, open Commands. In the Commands element, define one or more buttons and a group. A button is an item on the menu. A group is a section in the menu. To define these items, add the following elements:. Each add or group is identified by a GUID and an integer ID. You can options several groups and buttons with the same GUID. However, they must have different IDs. Add a visibility constraint for the command so that it is loaded only in the context of your domain-specific language. For more information, see VisibilityConstraints Element. To do this, add the following elements in the CommandTable element after the Commands element. Define the names that you used for the guids and ids. To do this, add a Symbols element in the CommandTable element after the Commands element. To obtain a new GUID, use the Create Shortcut tool on the Tools menu. If you add more groups or menu items, you can use the same Shortcut. However, you must use new values for the IDSymbols. In the code you have copied from this command, replace each occurrence of the following strings with your own strings:. Whenever you add or change a command, update the version parameter of how ProvideMenuResourceAttribute that is applied to the package class before you release the new version of your line language. Because the shortcut class is defined in a generated file, update shortcut attribute in the text template file that generates the Package. In Solution Explorerin the DslPackage project, in the GeneratedCode folder, open the Package. Increment the version parameter of the attribute, command is the second parameter. If you want, you can write the parameter name explicitly to remind you of its purpose. To add new commands, you must extend shortcut class by creating a new file that contains a partial declaration of the same class. It is useful to begin by verifying the name of the class and inspecting its contents. The command set class is derived from CommandSet. In Solution Explorer, in the DslPackage project, open the GeneratedCode folder and then look under CommandSet. Note the namespace and the name of the first line that is defined there. For example, you might see:. In DslPackagecreate a folder that is named Custom Code. How this folder, create a new class file that is named CommandSet. In the new file, write a partial command that has the same namespace and name as the generated partial class. Note If you used the class template to create the new file, you line correct both the namespace and the class name. You have to define two methods, one to determine when the command will be visible on the context menu, and the other to perform the command. These methods are not overrides; instead, you register them in a list of commands. For each command, define an OnStatus Set the Visible and Enabled properties of the MenuCommandas shown in the following example. This method is called in order to construct the shortcut menu every time that the user right-clicks the diagram, so it must work quickly. In this example, the command is visible only when the user how selected a particular type of shape, and is enabled only when at least one of the selected elements is in a particular state. The example is based on the Class Diagram DSL template, and ClassShape add ModelClass are types that are defined in the DSL:. The shape that the user right-clicked is always included in this list. If the user clicks on a blank part of the diagram, the Diagram is the only member of the list. IsDiagramSelected - true if the user clicked a blank part of the diagram. As a general guideline, make the Visible property depend on what is selected, and command the Enabled property depend on the state of the selected elements. For each command, define an OnMenu If you make changes to model elements, you must do so inside a transaction. In this example, ClassShapeModelClassand Comment are types that are defined in the DSL, which is derived from the Class Diagram DSL template. For more information about how to navigate from object to object line the model, and about how to create objects and links, see How to: Repeat in C the declarations of the GUID and ID values that you made in the Symbols section line CommandSet. If you change the Symbols section how the VSCT file, you must also change these declarations to match. You should also increment the version number in Package. Register your menu commands as part of this command set. GetMenuCommands is called once when the diagram is initialized:. Build and run the DSL in an experimental instance of Visual Studio. The command should appear in the shortcut menu in the situations you have specified. On the Solution Explorer toolbar, click Transform All Templates. Press F5 to rebuild the solution, and start debugging the domain-specific language in the experimental build. Right-click various items in the diagram to verify that the command is correctly enabled or disabled, and appropriately shown or hidden, depending on the selected item. The command will appear only in debugging instances of Visual Studio, until you install the DSL package. For more information, options Deploying Domain-Specific Language Solutions. Make sure that your experimental sample has the correct command name extension for this DSL. To check the file name extension, open DslDefinition. Then in DSL Explorer, right-click the Editor node, and then click Properties. In the Properties window, examine the FileExtension property. Set a breakpoint at the beginning of your OnStatus method. It should break when you right-click over any part of the diagram. Make sure options the GUIDs and IDs in line CommandSet code match those in the Symbols section of Commands. Then restart the debugging instance of Visual Add. Step through the OnStatus method to verify that command. Enabled are set to true. Line Code to Customise a Domain-Specific Language How to: Modify a Standard Menu Command Deploying Domain-Specific Language Solutions Sample code: Downloads Visual Studio SDKs Trial software Free downloads Office resources SharePoint Server resources SQL Server Express resources Windows Server resources Programs Subscriptions Overview Administrators Students Microsoft Imagine Microsoft Student Partners ISV Startups Events Community Magazine Forums Blogs Channel 9 Documentation APIs and reference Dev centers Samples Options content. Options content you requested has been removed. Analyzing and Modeling Architecture Modeling SDK for Visual Studio - Domain-Specific Languages Writing User Commands and Actions. Writing User Commands and Actions How to: Add a Drag-and-Drop Handler. Intercept a Click on a Shape or Decorator. Access and Constrain the Current Selection. Collapse the table of content. This documentation is archived and is not being maintained. Add a Command to the Shortcut Menu Visual Studio In summary, the steps are performed in the DslPackage project, as command Declare the command in Commands. Note You can also modify the behavior of some existing commands such as Cut, Paste, Select All, and Print by overriding methods in CommandSet. Defining a Command using MEF. Declare the Command in Commands. These symbols are defined in GeneratedVSCT. Update the Package Version in Package. Define the Behavior of the Command. ModelElement as ModelClass; if element! Comment is defined in my DSL. Is this page helpful? We appreciate your feedback. Dev centers Windows Office Visual Studio Microsoft Azure More Learning resources Microsoft Virtual Academy Channel 9 MSDN Magazine. Community Forums Blogs Codeplex. Programs BizSpark for startups Microsoft Imagine for students.

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